Do you work for a large business OR a government department and have FAR TOO MUCH WORK to do?
Don't have the time to spend doing boring, time consuming, dehumanising Excel tasks?
chris21** not producing the reports you need, formatted the way you want and totally interactive? chris21** has now been rebranded (see below).
Excel Programming Adelaide is your answer.
If your Excel is NOT doing the following then give us a call: (These people are GLAD they did!)
Phone Roger on (08) 8260 6996 for a FREE chat about how Excel can speed up your life and make it LESS complex and to see what excel programming can do for you.
**chris21 was an integrated solution for Human Resource Management and Payroll. Used by more than 1400 public and private sector clients worldwide. It has now been separated into various components to better reflect what the software does, Click here to read more.